Enjoy life in South Africa in a huge house with 4 comfortable bedrooms and nice cottage

Haus in Knysna zum Kauf

Haus Knysna


This property of total area of approximately 1055 m² is situated in the town of Knysna. In the property you can find a carport, a nice patio near the spacious swimming pool, where you can enjoy your week-ends with a cocktail in hands.

The house has 4 huge and comfortable bedrooms. You can also find a cottage of 2 more bedrooms that can be used as living area or offices. The whole house is provided with alarm system and under floor heating. For your convenience, there is an Intercom system.

Lage & Umgebung:

Knysna is a city situated in the southern part of South Africa, in the province of Western Cape. In English, the name of the town means ferns.

The town of Knysna was constructed on the estuary of Knysna River. Today, the town attracts a lot of tourists but also seniors who are looking for calm retirement in a nice place. Some of the events of the city are the annual Pick & Pay Oyster Festival that takes place every July, but also The Pink Loerie Mardi Gras and the Rastafarian Earth Festival.

Alle Angaben nach bestem Wissen. Irrtum und Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten. Dieses Exposé ist eine Vorinformation, als Rechtsgrundlage gilt allein der notariell abgeschlossene Kaufvertrag.




1.055 m²





$ 176.504,-